Victoria 2 military score
Victoria 2 military score

victoria 2 military score

The piece in question is no less than Florida. So when a random event pops up - a border faux-pas! - that gives me to option to claim a casus belli against the CSA, I figure now is the perfect time to bite off a piece of America for the Dutch. We don’t do that whole French/Austrian/Prussian thing of building up huge armies. Their hands are full, since they’re still dealing with the American War of Reintegration, and by this time their military score is on par with mine. The Confederate States of America continue to hold out as late as 1858 (American Civil Wars seem to always start on 1850 in Victoria 2). “When a battle goes badly in Tuscaloosa, the people in Java need a stiff drink.” You know the old maxim about “when a butterfly flaps its wings something something something, Ashton Kutcher makes a surprisingly decent movie in Hollywood”? I had one of those happen to me in Victoria 2.

Victoria 2 military score